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Factors That Generally Affect Interest Rates

An interest rate is the amount received in relation to an amount loaned, generally expressed as a ratio of dollars recei..
  • 91

Determing salary structure for your organization

Should every employee in an organization earn the same salary? why is there a difference in salaries in every organizati..
  • 101

Building a team

People in every workplace talk about building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few understand how to crea..
  • 98

A financial plan

A financial plan consists of sets of financial statements that forecast the resource implications of making business dec..
  • 98

accounting concept and conventions

In drawing up accounting statements, whether they are external "financial accounts" or internally-focused "management ac..
  • 104

Economic and policy

Economics play a major role in helping governments to devise economic policy. In order to understand this role, it is ne..
  • 103

The Circular flow of goods and incomes

The process of satisfying human wants involves producers and consumers. The relationship between it is two-sided, the co..
  • 95

The Oligopolistic Market

Oligopoly is the form of market organization in which there are few sellers of a community. If there are only two seller..
  • 102

A Business Plan

If you are approaching a banker for a loan for a start-up business, your loan officer may suggest a Small Business Admin..
  • 61

Capital Assets and Depreciation

Almost every business must invest in some major equipment, vehicles, machinery, or furniture in order to operate. Some b..
  • 92

Rational Decision Making

Rational decision making involves weighing up the marginal benefit and marginal cost of any activity. If the marginal be..
  • 97

Economics as a social science

Economics concerns human behaviour. One problem here is that individuals often behave in very different ways. People hav..
  • 96
Showing 109 to 120

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