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1000 Selected Girls from the Eastern Region Benefit from Communication Ministry’s Girls-in-ICT Program

Training has started for One Thousand (1000) selected Girls from the thirty-three (33) districts in the Eastern Regio..

  • 15

Government sets quota for admission to colleges of education

The government is set to reintroduce a quota system for admission into the various public colleges of education in th..

  • 30

Education Ministry to reintegrate 70,000 out-of-school children to schools??

The Ministry of Education is set to reintegrate 70,000 out-of-school children in schools through the Ghana Education ..

  • 27

Anfoeta Tsebi DA Primary School in Ho appeals for infrastructure support

The Anfoeta Tsebi District Assembly School in the Ho West District of the Volta Region has held its second Speech and..

  • 21
© New curriculum textbooks

Publishers impress on government to pay them after supply of New Curriculum Textbooks

The Ghana Publishers Association has asked the Ministry of Education to pay its members after contracting them to sup..

  • 25

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has delayed the vacation date for all Public Basic Schools by a day

The directive which is to enable Primary Four (P4) pupils to write the National Standardised Test means the students ..

  • 18

Inauguration of the Governing Councils of Wesley College of Education

The inauguration of Governing Council of Wesley College of Education was done on the 26th of October 2022 in Accra. T..

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© Chairman of the St Ann Anglican Basic School Management Committee, Felix Sowah

More computers needed for ICT for schools

The Assistant Headmistress for the Primary Sector of St. Ann Anglican Basic School, Evelyn Oforiwaa Okyere has appeal..

  • 21

Nigeria to abolish English language for teaching in primary schools

Nigeria has announced a policy aimed at promoting the teaching of primary school pupils in local languages rather tha..

  • 21
© Prof Kwasi Opoku Amankwa - GES Director General

GES shifts reopening for SHS 3 students to Aug 25

he Ghana Education Service (GES) has shifted the reopening of school for third year Senior High School (SHS) students..

  • 350

Best WASSCE graduate denied admission to study Medicine at KNUST

A 19-year-old student who excelled at the West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) has been den..

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SHS postings out tomorrow

Barring any last-minute change, the Ghana Education Service (GES) will release the Computerised School Selection and ..

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Showing 1 to 12

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