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Beware of the ‘humble protégé’ who never disagrees with you

I have been practising Medicine in Ghana for over two decades. I have greyed in the profession. I have seen people ma..

  • 20

SF Muni Hack a Wake-Up Call for Public Systems

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority, or SF MTA, was hacked on Friday.

"You Hacked, Al..

  • 152

Fighting poverty, ignorance and disunity in Ghana; the TUDEC experience

The fight against poverty, ignorance and disunity is a shared responsibility among the government, the private sector, ..
  • 180

Of Samira Bawumia's Outfit At The Inauguration

I am always afraid to mount the moral high ground and preach about morality because I am not perfect. As a matter of ..

  • 129

E-Waste situation in Ghana: Public Health Implications

“The fight against the digital divide has resulted in massive imports of used and new computers and other electrical and..
  • 1152

Daily Nap Helps!

The ‘what’ and ‘how to’ of longterm memory Longterm memory is defined as a permanent memory that doesn't disappear or..
  • 150

Who Is Henry Ford ?

Recently there was an article in an auto trade journal about how the Ford Motor Company is conducting a worldwide search..
  • 830

Top 10 Reward, Recognition, Award, and Thank You Ideas

You can tell your colleagues, coworkers and employees how much you value them and their contribution any day of the year..
  • 709

The Power Of Positive Employee Recognition

Prioritize employee recognition and you can ensure a positive, productive, innovative organizational climate. Provide em..
  • 608

10 Tips For Boosting Loyalty That Don't Break The Bank

Once someone's worked for a small business they know the drill: be prepared to do everyone's job at some point, and don'..
  • 558

African Ancestral Veneration & Christian Hagiography - By Very Rev. Prof. Noah K. Dzobo

The African devotion to his/her ancestors has been taken as the singular characteristic of African spiritual awareness, ..
  • 145

Proverbs And Wise Sayings - By Prof. J.K. Anquandah

A Ghanian Professor of Philosophy Kwesi Wiredu, has defined philosophy quite simply as a guide to life. William Abrah..
  • 150
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