Keeping yourself motivated and focused is quite a difficult task, but with the right guidelines it can be simplified and implemented with a well plan strategy.Try doing the following
1. Plan
It is important to draw up short, medium and long term goals. You should refer to these on a regular basis so that you can see the progress you have made, and you can update and measure your performance effectively. Having a coherent stategy in place can help to stimulate your drive and motivation.
2. Networking
It is really important for you to get out and about and out of the house. Mingling and networking with other people in the industry not only will allow you to learn new things, but it should help stimulate your thinking, vision and drive. Ask your company if you can come into the office for a few days a month, or whether there are training days or seminars that you can attend. Keep a supply of business cards that you can exchange with like-minded people, and use them whenever you need to bounce an idea, or you just need a chat!
3. Long-term strategy
People who work from home often don’t have a long-term strategy. So make one! Small goals are often easily attained, but canlead to boredom, so it is important to see where all the small things are leading too. Set yourself some long-term goals, and keep reviewing your progress to see how far away you are from them. Long term aims that incorporate lots of smaller, achievable tasks will help to keep your motivation levels high.
4. Encouragement
Recognition is usually important when it comes to personal motivation. Working at home, you often don’t receive recognition. Find some people at your place of work, or through your network of contacts, who will provide you with feedback and keep you motivated and focussed.
5. Creativity
Creativity is a great way to encourage yourself and self-motivate. Leave time at least once a week to brainstorm and get those creative juices flowing - new ideas and new thoughts often give you a huge boost and therefore your motivation for the mundane tasks increases.
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