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Ten Ways To Prevent Food Poisoning

If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you’ll know how unpleasant it can be, even for a fit and healthy perso..

  • 21462

Stroke Indicator

STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters..... S T. R. STROKE IDENTIFICATION During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a l..

  • 11612

Mastitis and Breastfeeding

Mastitis is the inflammation of the breast. The first sign of mastitis is a real, swollen, usually painful, area on t..

  • 3000

Thrush And Breastfeeding

Thrush(candida albicans) infection can affect a mothers' breast while she is breastfeeding. It often occurs after..

  • 4626

Vaginal Health

Normal vaginal secretions keep the vagina moist and help to protect against damage or infection. It is usual for wome..

  • 6234

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME

ME also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that causes mared long-term fatigue and other symptons (which ..

  • 1321

MRSA | Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

MRSA is a common bacterium. Staphylococcus aureus is a common type of bacterium that can live on your skin and not ca..

  • 2359

Diabetic Drug Banned

Avandia, a diabetes drug, which was used by a large number of patients in Britain, has been removed from the market. ..

  • 1740

Health Watch | 7 Life Saving Cues

"Guy walks into a doctor's office..." That's not the start of a joke—that is the joke. Men do..

  • 1842

HowTo Beautify Breasts With Exercise

As centuries pass by, the standards of a beautiful bosom have changed for a number of times, today an ideal bust is cons..
  • 1939

African Genes And Breast Cancer

Researchers from the University of Michigan have found that African ancestry is linked to an aggressive type of breas..

  • 1011

Reduction in Hormone Therapy | Reduces Breast Cancer

Breast cancer rates among postmenopausal women in Canada dropped nearly 10 percent after news of a big study in 2002 ..

  • 139
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