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Double Diabetes

An estimated 20.8 million Americans -- or 7 percent of the population -- are now believed to be diabetic. Of those, 6.2 ..
  • 336

Premature Menopause

Premature menopause is menopause that happens before the age of 40 — whether it is natural or induced. Women who enter m..
  • 376

Signs of Stroke

The signs of a stroke happen suddenly. The signs of a stroke are different from the signs of a heart attack. You should ..
  • 262

Dental diseases on the ascendancy among basic school pupils

Kumasi, Jan 15, GNA - A medical officer has appealed to authorities of basic schools to liaise with dental departments o..
  • 272

People with cardiovascular diseases

Two CDC studies say adults with diabetes report they are doing better at the vital job of monitoring their blood sugar, ..
  • 648


Menopause is a normal change in a woman's life when her period stops. It is often called the "change of life." During me..
  • 384

FDB to expand local pharmaceutical manufacturing list

The Food and Drugs Board (FDB) is to expand the list of products restricted for local manufacturing to enable local phar..
  • 600

A Balanced Diet?

A balanced diet: Is a meal containing adequate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats , vitamins, mineral salts, water..
  • 733


Lipids (mostly known as fats and oil) are organic compounds that include fat and oil. At room temperature, fats and oils..
  • 399

Testing For Proteins

A) Biuret test 1. To 2 cm3 of egg albumen or milk in a test tube add 1 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution. 2. Add 1% co..
  • 409

Testing For Carbohydrates

A) Test for reducing sugars 1. Place 1 cm3 of glucose solution in a test tube. Add 2 cm3 of Benedict’s of Fehling’s sol..
  • 340


What does the food we take in do for us? Do we really have to be careful about what we take in? What food does what and ..
  • 334
Showing 157 to 168

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