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Global Terrorism | How Is Ghana Seen In The Picture?

The arrest in London For the second time this year a Ghanaian has been mentioned in terrorism related case. In July ..
  • 299
© Jubilation for bid win

SA Wins 2010 Vote

South Africa has won the right to host the 2010 World Cup finals after holding off the challenge of Morocco. The anno..
  • 327

British Council Supports Book Launch

The cultural development among Commonwealth countries is one of the aims of the British Council and this it has engag..

  • 443

Parliament Ratifies Agreement Between Ghana And Germany

Ghana Parliament has ratified an agreement between the governments of Ghana and Germany on reciprocal protection of i..

  • 421
© UFO - Flying Saucer

UFO Sighting at Pretoria by Cops

It is reported in our papers this morning that a UFO was sigted over large parts of Pretoria and even further north in t..
  • 435
Showing 4693 to 4697

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