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These Self-Seeking Ghanaian Politicians Again?

Events happening in the country these days suggest that the political waters are still muddy. Indications are clear that..
  • 388

The People Power | Lesson For Leaders

“In everything there is a season, to every purpose there is time”, goes one of my favorite songs. Some jo..

  • 424

Why President Mills Cannnot Uproot Tax Fraud?

When President John Evans Atta Mills, paid a surprise visit to some state departments and agencies especially the Intern..
  • 378

All Die Be Die-Nana Akuffo Addo Must Die First

Those of us who know the true colours and history of this TRIBAL GROUPING calling itself a political Party known as the ..
  • 452

Let’s Admit, Tribal Dicsrimination And Stereotypes Are So Alive In Ghana

Let’s Admit, Tribal Dicsrimination And Stereotypes Are So Alive In Ghana I must confess one of my favourite all-time cal..
  • 332

The State of the National Address | Protocol and Diplomatic Blunder in Ghana

Good morning, My Brothers and Sisters, so began the Presidential Sate of the Nation address in Parliament yesterday, in ..
  • 381

MP’s Wages - Mr President Not A Pesewa More

The world is a funny old place where our imagination can play tricks with us. Maybe, as I grow older my eyes get weaker ..
  • 329

Victimisation Of Ghanaians In China

For sometime now, holders of Ghana passports have had it difficult to extend their visas. Chinese Authorities refuse to ..
  • 488

Palm-Wine Tapping To Block-Making

Never underrate the mutating ability of unscrupulous politicians. They can change status almost overnight when their par..
  • 618

Self Reliance In The Ghanaian Economy

Gandhi or Gandhiji was a national hero in India during the struggle for independence in India in the 1940s. He taught..

  • 793

Tariffs On Food Imports Hurt Consumers

Every night, the number of hungry people in sub-Saharan Africa runs about 230 million people. Most sub-Saharan countries..
  • 408

Akufo-Addo Must Retract And Apologise

THE New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential candidate for 2012, Nana Akufo-Addo must retract and render an unconditional ..
  • 308
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