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In Search For Sustainability and Improved Livelihoods In Mining Areas

In search for sustainability and improved livelihoods in mining areas Close to being a seemingly hopeless economic ventu..
  • 276

AFAG Is Simply Behaving Machiavellian

It appears as if the only way AFAG can increase their political interest and advancement is by whipping up emotions of t..
  • 211

Electoral Commissioner Needs Re-Education

I hope it was not Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan who said that inducing a well-policed environment in order for elections and by-..
  • 253

Is Atta-Mills, ECOWAS, and The AU Weak?

It’s been almost one month since I wrote my initial article about the Ivory Coast, condemning Dr. Atta Mills and Victor ..
  • 215

This Is An Insult To Our Intelligence

At the beginning of the year 2011, I resolved to be more tolerant of other views and have a less inflamed discourse with..
  • 203

What Is Alassane Ouattara Afraid Of?

I have yet to read any of the news items regarding the dispatching of Prime Minister Raila Odinga, of Kenya, as an Afric..
  • 205

A Palmerston-Inspired Policy On C'te D'Ivoire

I have just finished watching the second appearance of the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair before the Iraq War ..
  • 219

Diagnosis of Ghana’s Position on the Ivorian Electoral Crisis

Ghana is entangled in a diplomatic conundrum following President Mills’ declared position of noninvolvement militarily i..
  • 181

How Credible Is Mills On The Ivorian Crisis?

What comes to mind when President J.E.A. Mills says: “I do not think this military option is going to bring peace in Cot..
  • 222

The Ewe Heritage Defined (Part Two)

The response I received from Part One of my article sufficiently distinguished those who live in the real world outside ..
  • 228

Ghana-A shining Example of Democracy In Africa

Africa is in the news for a couple of bad reasons, as often. First, Egypt's parliamentary elections have been blighted ..
  • 244

Ivory Coast Needs Ghana,The Big Brother!

President Atta Mills has made his position clear to Ghanaians "the essence of no military action to solve the ivorian cr..
  • 227
Showing 97 to 108

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