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All About Rain

Rain is the precipitation of liquid drops of water. Raindrops generally have a diameter greater than 0.5 mm (0.02 in). T..
  • 57

Why You should study Physics

*The basis of our understanding of the Universe and reveals, through research, the fundamental physical processes within..
  • 38

The Sun

The Sun is by far the largest object in the solar system. It contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of the Solar Sys..
  • 60


Gravity is an always-attractive force that acts between particles of matter. (It can also act between quantities of ener..
  • 53

Image formation in the eye

Light rays from an object passes through the conjunctiva, cornea, aqueous humour, lens and vitreous humour to the retina..
  • 48

DOS (Disk Operating System)

DOS, which is either an acrostic or an acronym of Disk Operating System, is an operating system solely and completely re..
  • 52


One of the fundamental concepts of biology is the idea that the present diversity among organisms developed slowly from ..
  • 69

Sickle cell

This is a genetic disease in which abnormal haemoglobin known as haemoglobin S of the red blood cell crystallize under l..
  • 44

The Wonder of Birds

“A bird is to me as wonderful as the stars,” said a famous ornithologist. To lean something about a bird is to make ac..
  • 72

Computer Virus

I am certain we all have heard of computer viruses and what they do. Now what really is a virus? A Virus is written soft..
  • 63

Basic Information on Computers

Now that computers have become an essential part of our lives, I am certain you do get to use the computer in one way or..
  • 81

History Of Computers

Abacus served as the computing device for about 2500 year until the 17th century when other devices were invented to aut..
  • 79
Showing 133 to 144

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