Silicon is used to make many electronic devices, such as transistors, integrated circuits, computer chips and solar cells because it is a good semiconductor.
Silicon, when "doped" with boron, gallium, phosphorus, or arsenic is used for transistors, solar cells, and other electronic devices. Silicon is commonly used around high temperatures because of its high melting point. It is used to make concrete and bricks, as a lubricant and for silicone implants (plastic/reconstructive surgery). Silicon plastic (Silastic) is used for artificial skin grafts to protect healing skin. Silicones are products of silicon, made by hydrolyzing a silicon organic chloride. Silica (sand) is the main ingredient of glass, and is also found in the human skeleton. Silica and silicates are used in the manufacturing of cement, porcelain, glass, and glazes. A silica gel is obtained by taking out water from a precipitate of silicic acid.The gel absorbs water (as well as some other substances) and is used to dry and remove the color from objects.
Silicon monoxide is widely used as a protective coating on the surfaces of materials. Silicon is also used in the steel industry (silicon steel alloys). Silicon steel is approximately 2.5-4.0 % silicon compared to normal steel that has less than 0.03 % silicon. Silicon is also sued as an alloy in brass, bronze, and copper. Since silicon is a semiconductor, its ability to conduct electricity can be affected by the addition of impurities, or "dopants". This is why silicon is necessary in the electronics industry. Semiconductors are used extensively in electrical engineering. A small semiconductor chip may contain over one hundred thousand transistors.
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) is the most abundant compound in the earth's crust and the main part of beach sand.
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