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Mist and fog, any difference?

The answer lies in their thickness – and how far we can see through them (ie: the visibility). If we can see less than 1 km through the cloud of water droplets, it is known as fog. If we can see betwe...


The magnetic field of the earth

The earth's magnetic field has been a mystery to man ever since 13th-century philosophers first noticed lodestones (magnetic rocks) turning north.1 In 1600, A.D. William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth's phy...


Slavery in Africa

slavery is one thing most african are noted for as being a great part of their history. Most africans believe slavery played a major role in their present condition as a third world country. Whether...


Village life in Northern Nigeria

In the desert grasslands of Northern Nigeria, village life has changed little over the centuries. Many people still live in houses constructed of mud and thatch, use donkeys or cattle-drawn carts for ...


A financial plan

A financial plan consists of sets of financial statements that forecast the resource implications of making business decisions. For example, a company that is deciding to expand e.g. by buying and fit...


accounting concept and conventions

In drawing up accounting statements, whether they are external "financial accounts" or internally-focused "management accounts", a clear objective has to be that the accounts fairly reflect the true "...

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