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A bit about Rabbits

Rabbits are furry-coated and short-tailed mammals. They have long ears and long back legs for running and jumping. Rabbits are herbivores with long front teeth for gnawing. Some make burrows or tunnel...


Breech Birth

Most babies are born headfirst, but at the end of pregnancy, around 3% to 4% are found to be breech. Before 37 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation is much more common - about 20% of babies at 28 w...



The term vaccination was first used by Edward Jenner an English physician 22 years later, in 1796. Louis Pasteur further adapted in his pioneering work in microbiology. Vaccination (Latin: vacca—cow) ...


How important is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is best known for its antioxidant properties and its possible role in the prevention of certain chronic degenerative disorders. In fact, ascorbic acid may be the most important water-soluble...


Why it is good to plan

There are many ways to state the benefits of planning or anticipatory decision making. The following claimed benefits are discussed in a number of sources. 1. Planning helps decision makers by prov...


The Benefits of Forgiveness

1. Think of a person who has wronged you and who you have not been able or willing to forgive. 2. Describe the experience or experiences in which this "offender" caused you to be harmed or unjustly...

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