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Cattle did not originate as a name for bovine animals. It derives from the Latin caput, head, and originally meant movab..
  • 308

The Central Togo

The Central Togo groups are found to the north of Ewe country in the Akwapim-Togo Ranges. These groups are sometimes ca..
  • 112

Islam And Christianity In Ghana

The presence of Christian missionaries on the coast of Ghana has been dated to the arrival of the Portuguese in the fif..
  • 109

Traditional Religion

Despite the presence of Islam and Christianity, traditional religions in Ghana have retained their influence because of..
  • 106

Nkrumah, Ghana, and Africa

Nkrumah has been described by author Peter Omari as a dictator who "made much of elections, when he was aware that they..
  • 105


The goat is one of the smallest domesticated ruminants which has served mankind earlier and longer than cattle and shee..
  • 391

The Second Coming of Rawlings, 1982- 87

The new government that took power on December 31, 1981, was the eighth in the fifteen years since the fall of Nkrumah...
  • 113

The Fall Of The Nkrumah Regime

Leaders of the 1966 military coup, including army officers Colonel E.K. Kotoka, Major A.A. Afrifa, Lieutenant General (..
  • 114

Why Passion Is So Important In Your Relationship And Life

Passion is intense feeling, strong excitement, strong affection, love, intense desire and enthusiasm. You can have passi..
  • 313

Why Is Love Important?

Love is important because without it life has no meaning or purpose. Love allows us to be more and do more than we could..
  • 299

How To Handle A Sturborn Child

There's a mighty fine line between being a leader and being bossy. And even on a good day, stubborn can be downright irr..
  • 380

How to Treat Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Some children are a bit more difficult by nature. Other children go through stages of oppositional defiance, such as dur..
  • 609
Showing 73 to 84

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