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Christians usher in New Year with watch night services

Ghanaian Christians ushered in the New Year with watch-night church services during which they prayed; sang, danced and ..
  • 361

German Entrepreneurs To Invest In Water Sector

A delegation of German Industries and Commerce in Ghana, led by Mr Patrick Martens has expressed interest to invest in t..
  • 187

ECOWAS Launches Survey On Non-State Actors

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Thursday launched a survey to collect data on Non-State Actors..
  • 181

New Payment System To Address NHIS Shortcomings

As part of measures to address shortcomings of the current provider payment under the National Health Insurance Scheme, ..
  • 332

7-year-old Girl To Marry A 60-Year-Old Nigerian

The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), Ghana, has condemned the attempt by a father to force his 17-year-..
  • 203

Alex Segbefia: Aflao To Have Dual Carriage Way

The Aflao/Denu portion of the Accra/Aflao highway would be expanded into a dual-carriageway, Mr. Alex Segbefia, Deputy C..
  • 195

Outgoing Minister Promises Government Assistance To Accident Victims

Mr. Mike Hammah, the outgoing Minister of Transport, has visited the victims of the road accident that occurred on Janua..
  • 193

Don’t Rush For New Passports - Minister

The Deputy Brong-Ahafo Regional Minister, Mr Eric Opoku, on Wednesday urged Ghanaians not to rush to obtain new the biom..
  • 189

Lotto Car Set Ablaze By Angry Mob

A Nissan pick-up which usually conveys lotto coupons from Tumu to Wa was set ablaze by an angry mob for killing a three-..
  • 261

Job Creation Project For The Youth Launched

Government on Thursday launched a job creation project aimed at engaging hundreds of unemployed youth across the country..
  • 167

Three Teenagers Steal GH¢203

Three teen-aged truck pushers at Mankessim in the Central Region who embarked on a stealing expedition and stole valuabl..
  • 184

Twenty-Seven Suspected Criminals Arrested

A total of 27 suspected criminals including two women were arrested at Pentua Wala in Koforidua about 0630 hours on Thur..
  • 185
Showing 925 to 936

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