Has the year 2011 started badly for Kumawuman? Everyone always enters a New Year armed to the teeth with prosperous resolutions, whether they are achievable or not.
Kumawuman entered 2011 hoping to secure a solution to their near four-year chieftaincy disputation. They are also of the hope that the much talked about water project to secure them potable tap water will earnestly take off. It is also their wish to secure jobs for the inhabitants most of whom, especially the youth, have taken to excessive drinking. As the devil finds work for the idle hand, the youths are wasting their energy and precious time idling about "Akpeteshi" bars due to the absence of work in the area. Kumawu, once a blooming town and vivacious by night is now almost a cemetery, deserted and quiet. Congregation of people at the town centre
by night is no longer observable when one visits Kumawu. All this is the evil work of the myopic traditional leadership in place by the Kumawuhemaa and her Ankaase family.
Kumawuhemaa, the shameless self-acclaimed iron-lady with her corrupt Krontihene is still as callous, short-sighted and mired in her waywardness as she has always been. Though she is taking a temporary refuge or respite in Canada, she is still issuing instructions to the Kontrihene to continue to plunder Kumawuman as much as they can.
They are bent on depleting Kumawuman of her wealth by way of selling off and pocketing whatever they can lay hands on. The latest information reaching me indicates that Krontrihene and Okyeame Koduah acting upon the instructions of the queen have sold a Kumawuman oil palm plantation situated at Atakrom near Okaekrom/Nyanfa in the Asokore area. The trio have pocketed the money realised from the sale of the palm trees though the plantation was a Kumawuman property.
The Kontrihene is now far worse than the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II when it comes to illegally enriching oneself by way of selling off State property and pocketing the proceeds. All the gold dust ("sika futro") in the Kumawu palace is understood to have been disposed of by Kumawuhemaa in her insatiable pursuit of personal riches. One wonders why Otumfuo Osei Tutu II continues to allow Kumawuhemaa to steal from
Kumawuman through her illegal activities.
Many Kumawuman citizens are dying off out of utter poverty. As at writing, Kofi Sarpong alias Thousand, the pride of Kumawuman has passed just last Friday, 14th January 2011. Only last December did John Kwadwo Nkrumah, alias Okobo, kick the bucket. These are just but two among the hundreds that die each month in Kumawuman. If there were jobs, these people would have had money to go to hospital, bought any medical prescription drugs to keep them stillalive. Asantehene as selfish, callous and pretentious as he is has allowed his heart
to rule his head. The blood of these innocent souls will be demanded from him one day in Heaven or Hell. What at all is preventing him from scheduling the Kumawuman chieftaincy for Asanteman Council hearing? He rather prefers resorting to absurd delay tactics to help his girlfriend hold on to power even though she is clutching onto a threadlike straw.
Agogohene on the other hand has been availing himself of the absence of Kumawuhene to sell some Kumawuman lands for the benefit of Agogo and himself. He has lately made an attempt to sell some Kumawuman lands in Kyekyebon near Drobonso in the Afram Plains. He was fiercely resisted by the progressive members within the Kumawu Traditional Council who had the tacit support of Kwamanghene. The dubious Kumawuhemaa has her hand in all ongoing dodgy deals aimed at robbing and impoverishing Kumawuman. Asantehene had better make a choice as soon as. Either he puts up or he shuts up. Until when will Kumawuman tolerate his intentional ploy to see his girlfriend hang on as a useless ruler of Kumawuman while people are dying from preventable diseases? People are dying from water borne diseases, periodic
cholera outbreaks, sheer poverty and stress. The more I see Asantehene and Kumawuhemaa with Krontrihene underestimate the intelligence of Kumawuman citizens, the angrier I become.
This is a year of action so Kumawuman rest assured that all will be well with you despite how bad the year has begun. May the souls of all the departed ones rest in perfect peace. May God shower them with his abundant mercies.
Source: John Fosu
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