Congratulations to the Leadership of the CPP led by Chairman Ladi Nylander for the success achieved at the NEC on Friday, January 21, 2011.
The results particularly the enthusiasm exhibited by the delegates from the ten regions suggests that the fortunes of the CPP in the Fourth Republic damaged by internally-generated difficulties can be turned around. It was very encouraging that most speakers at the NEC talked about the need for discipline and unity.
On the sidelines of the NEC many members who mingled with the official delegates were there to hear and see the leading members who were there. They were all united in the expectation that the Party should make all contestants for National Executive positions and Presidential Candidate be made to sign an unconditional agreement to support whoever wins publicly.
The Chairman’s words were given loud assent. “There should be no room for duplicity, double speak, fifth columnist and those who speak with two voices. Our political affairs perspective must be clear. You cannot be CPP and support an NPP or NDC presidential candidate or parliamentary candidate. Those who claim to be CPP members cannot offer conditional support. We need to present a vibrant, knowledgeable, and forward looking CPP united in the common purpose to win power to form the next government after the 2012 elections.”
Possibly the most important decision taken by the Central Committee and endorsed by the NEC last week was to require fresh elections at the Ward, Constituency and Regional levels before the Congress to elect national executives on April 29/30 this year. For the first time in the 4th Republic the Party has finally come back to its roots to acknowledge the fact that it cannot rely on some legendary organization prowess without working for it. Now everyone knows that we must do real work at all the polling station levels in the country to be successful. Those who have been thinking that just chanting the name Kwame Nkrumah and recalling his successes will win elections for the CPP now realize that we need to work to win the support of the youth and the floating voters.
NEC on Friday acknowledged in the importance of getting together with the PNC. A joint congress would be great and now it is up to the leaders of the two parties to listen to the demand from the members to merge the two parties.
It is also good to note the decoupling of the election of the national executives from that of the presidential candidate. The election of the presidential candidate is slated for September 30 this year. This hopefully will allow the contestants for national executive positions the space to campaign without being in the shadow of aspirants for the position of presidential candidate.
Now that dates have been set for national elections, I wish to appeal to all those who hope to see a renewed and more competitive CPP to support the Party with their money, time and moral support to ensure the successful organization of elections from the polling stations to the national level. All leading members must get on board the organization band wagon. We will only know who are genuine supporters are when we make them come out in their towns and villages and stand up to be voted as polling station executives of the CPP.
Finally, let’s get away from personalities whose father was a minister in the first republic; whose father was a District Commissioner; whose mother was a Young Pioneer; who was in Kulungugu; whose father was there in Saltpond when the CPP separated from the UGCC; whose mother was an MP etc. etc. All of that is history, albeit a proud one. Let those who want to lead stand on their own track records, vision, credibility and behavior. It is our hard work, sacrifice and practical policies that will win us the support we need to become competitive and a winner.
Source: Papa Kwasi Nduom
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