My attention has been drawn to 24 comments so far passed about a sport story I filed for postage on Ghana Web on January 30, 2011 which out of the number only one sounded sensible and encouraging to me.
But never mind whether those blind commentators read and got the import of the story before passing those negative comments which attacked my personality I still doubt.
For it is said,” But for lack of knowledge my people perish” so due to lack of knowledge it should not surprise some of us that some people are perishing in this modern day world just because they are refusing to learn what is right.
Anyway, if Anderson Cooper and other news reporters from popular media houses are being physically attacked for doing their work, then who am I to complain of just tongue lashing though they are not acceptable.
It is very surprising that up till now many people do not understand what reconciliation means even though they talk about everyday.
Former president Kufuor, before assuming office as the commander in chief of Ghana conducted a national exercise which was dubbed National Reconciliation Exercise where persons believed to have been treated badly by members of previous government were made to burry the hatchet for peace to prevail in the country.
Anybody who followed the exercise could tell how successful it was as it erased long and continued hard bitterness peeved persons were harboring in them where after appearing before the committee both accuse and defenders were made to forgive and forget one another and got united as one people from one country.
That national exercise was completed with a lot of success in the quest of the country to unite its divided people as a result of revolutionary rule but that did not close the chapter of reconciliation in our daily lives as individuals.
If a whole chief in Ashante region has owned up and declared that he and the entire family is rolling a welcome carpet for a descendant who some where along the line lost his linage, is it not a good news for all to receive and help them in whichever way we can for them to succeed?
The Akwamuhene of Kobreso Nana Owusu Ansah has come out to say that Quincy Owusu Abayie is a son to his dead brother. Quincy real meaning Kwesi, was taken care off by the mother.
Abayie wants to trace his family linage as he said it on a popular radio station which got to his uncle Nana Owussu Ansah, who is rolling the welcome carpet for him to come home, what, is the headache some people have about this?
Readers who are doubting me should understand that I met Nana Owusu Ansah myself when I came down to Ghana to marry my wife Princess Anane Acheampong Osisiadan on January 1,2011 and I was privileged to have him the chief, the wife Nanabea Oforiwaa Amanfo[a.k.a Diwumre] a queen mother in the Akwuapem traditional area attending. They are wealthy by all standards and not beggers.
Let me take readers to Judges Chapter 11:1-33 and they will understand the miracle in reconciliation. This is a story about Jephthah who was rejected by his family and the whole people of Gilead.
Gilead wanted to go to war with the people of Amon but did not have a leader who will lead them to defeat the Amorites. Here some of the elders realized that Jephthah they rejected had become powerful elsewhere and expressed the need to bring him back to lead the attack against the Amorites.
Jephthah after reaching an agreement with the elders of Gilead clan accepted to lead the attack against the Amorites which they defeated. See what reconciliation did for the people of Gilead.
A typical example is how the Ghana Football Association [GFA] prior to the world cup in South Africa upon discovering the striking skills of Kelvin Prince Boateng appealed to him and finally joined the team that performed wonders in the tournament.
They did the right thing by appealing to him to naturalize as a Ghanaian and look at the perfect performance he lead the squad to put up in the tournament.
Let us not derail the effort of Nana Owusu Ansah in appealing to the prolific striker applying his professional football in Europe to successfully tie his embryonic cord to his true family.
If Jephthah who was rejected by Gilead could reconcile with his people from Gilead and lead them to defeat the Amorites, Quincy Owusu Abayie, can trace his steps to his father’s house family house and be a blessing to that household.
Let some one close to him urge him to contact Nana Owusu Ansah and start the process.
Bearing all scam tactics here is his contact number:
Source: Stephen A. Quaye, Toronto-Canada.
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