2010 came and passed us by; and The Ghanaian Lens has welcomed 2011 with all excitement. We welcome 2011 with gusto and excitement because His Excellency President Atta Mills has declared this year the ACTION YEAR!!!
We have never been in doubt that President Atta Mills has the nation at heart and means well for Mother Ghana but the ACTION YEAR agenda is a very much welcomed by most well-meaning Ghanaians. Apart from clowns like Sir John, aka Bob Okalla, who do not have the discerning spirit to notice the change that is coming the way of Ghana, most right-thinking and well-intentioned Ghanaians are full of hope and excitement that the Better Ghana agenda will see the light of the day in an action-filled manner this year.
As they say in the Twi language, “agoro be sor efiri anopa”; and in this ACTION YEAR, the early steps that President Atta Mills has taken, is enough evidence that the year will end well for Ghanaians.
For those who made it their daily call to be shouting that the President is too “slow” and too “dull”, they must be looking for places to hide their faces and mouths. The likes of clowning Sir John, are fast becoming irrelevant on the political landscape as President Atta Mills continues to confound his critics with his calculated and matured style of leadership which has sufficiently restored Ghana’s image amongst the comity of nations.
Today, Ghana is no longer a preferred destination for the cocaine trade and that alone is good for the image of Ghana. Most Ghanaians are thanking their God that Akufo-Addo was not given the mandate for him and his cronies to move Ghana forward in the direction of cocaine and other immoral acts. If the way the year 2011 has began in an action-filled manner is anything to go by, there is every reason to believe that the year will end very well for Ghanaians. From the word go, President Atta Mills has proven that his ACTION YEAR declaration is not an empty talk.
From the 1st, when the President spoke to the nation in his new year broadcast, through his reshuffle on his first working day of the year, to his brilliant and dazzling performance when he met senior journalists at the Castle last Friday, President Atta Mills has made it pointedly and abundantly clear that he is poised for Action.
It was exciting to hear the President speak with power and strength and making the point strongly that he is IN-CHARGE. The Ghanaian Lens leapt with joy when we heard the President say that apart from him and his Vice, none of his appointees has a fixed tenure.
We are happy about that statement because it is matter of fact that some of the President’s appointees think that they are more important that even the President. There are some appointees who have grown very silly horns and misbehaving all over the place. Just because of the President’s demeanor and humane style of governance, some of his appointees have wrongly taken the President for granted.
Well, if those appointees were deceiving themselves into thinking that they will continue to have their way and operate as laws onto themselves, it is very clear to them now that the President will deal drastically with them if they dare him. If those people thought that they will have a fixed tenure and behave as if they are sharing power with the President, then it must be clear to them that they don’t have a fixed tenure.
The President and his Vice have fixed tenure of four years; all other appointees are serving at the pleasure of the President and they better get it straight that the President has the power to dismiss or reassign them at will. President Atta Mills has declared the ACTION YEAR and his appointees should know that the President is in a no-nonsense mood and all those who think they can be appointees in the President’s Government but be stabbing the President in the back, they should know that their days are numbered. If for two years, President Mills gave his appointees a long rope, well the appointees no longer have a rope; the President has run out of ropes. Even Jesus Christ; when people wanted to turn his Father’s House into a den of thieves, got angry and cracked the whip.
In like manner, President Atta Mills is cracking the whip and anybody who will incur his wrath must be prepared to have a taste of the whip.
President Atta Mills has pledged to build a Better Ghana and all those who want to sabotage the President’s good intentions for Ghana must be prepared to be exposed and dealt with drastically. His Excellency President Atta Mills, The Ghanaian Lens and millions of Ghanaians believe in you and are supporting you so please sir, stay committed to your Better Ghana agenda in this year of ACTION.
His Excellency President Atta Mills, don’t spare the rod lest you spare the child. Mr. President, we wish you an ACTION packed New Year and reassure you that The Ghanaian Lens will continue to remain solidly in your corner and support your good works every step of the way.
A happy New Year to all our cherished readers; we promise you nothing but ACTION!!! ACTION!!! ACTION!!!
God bless us all!
Source: The Ghanaian Lens
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