I am wondering if it is worth fighting for the interests of the Kumawuman people. Some of the recent actions by some of the inhabitants of Kumawu are disgusting. These actions are enough to put off even our Most and Ever patient God Almighty.
But for the sake of the poor who have become subjected to the most vulnerable and exploitable traditional and governmental systems in place, I will rather intensify the battle. I will take the fight to the very doorsteps of those enemies of progress according as directed by God Almighty.
Not long ago, many were those complaining about the District Chief Executive's utter display of nonchalance and total incompetence. They were clamouring him out of office. They had come to conclude he could not make heads or tails of his job requirements. Truly, he was a waste of space and resources when judged in terms of his job description in line with the President's "Better Ghana" agenda delivery policies. Luckily, the people's outcry for change reached the listening ears of
President Mills.
President Mills after careful consideration decided to elbow the non-performing DCE out. Barely had the DCE been disgracefully discharged of his duties when the same mouths that had called for his dismissal started questioning why? They have since been pointing accusing fingers at one Kwasi Koduah a.k.a Kasco as the sole instigator of the DCE's dismissal.
If truly this named person has been able to cause the dismissal of the DCE for being incompetent, then he has my blessings and support. Is President Mills not on record to have said in the latter part of last year that 2011 will be a year of action? How did Ghanaians understand that? Why then should a poor man in the person of Kasco be blamed when a non-performing, corrupt, arrogant or myopic MCE or DEC gets the sack? Is this Koduah not Ama Senu and Afua Konadu's brother? I understand this guy is trying harder to ensure the Kumawu/Konongo/Kwahu water project actually gets off the ground.
Does such a person merit condemnation or commendation? I leave it to the individual Kumawuman citizens to battle it out with their own conscience to come out with a sensible answer. A few others are those still supporting the "Sikadicious" Kumawuhemaa who is
pillaging Kumawuman like a barbarian from another planet. There are certain individuals who only pass absurd comments on my investigative publications on Kumawu chieftaincy dispute.
Their debilitating comments interspersed with threats and portrayal of folly make me giggle involuntarily. How funny, weak-minded, visionless
and selfish I think such individuals are. Kumawuman, especially Kumawu, has been ruined all because of the visionless selfish aspirations of certain individuals of whom figures principally the current Kumawu queen. For how long should you sit with arms folded around the chest, lackadaisically yawning as though nothing is amiss?
Until Kumawuman gets pipe borne water, proper public toilets, people cease defecating in the nearby bushes and their backyards, the youth gets job, I shall lambast the incompetent traditional rulers who are pursuing insatiable quest for wealth at the expense of their needy subjects.
Unfortunately, some people are seen to be playing God in the Kumawu chieftaincy case. They think to wield the ultimate power. They think without their final word or permission, Kumawuman citizens can weep as much as they like, they can never have their way in the Kumawuman case. The sufferings of the people are not their concern but how to milk Kumawuman dry or satisfy their libidos. To those people holding onto such persuasions I say, they are deceiving themselves and they will surely incur the wrath of God. Read Acts 12:21-22 "On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. And the people gave a shout, [saying, It is] the voice of a god, and not of a man.
Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died" Do we learn any lesson from this biblical incident? And if we do, how can it be related to the slow tactics way the Kumawuman case is being conducted with the need for incessantly kowtowing to a certain person playing God?
Why do people become jealous when others are praised for their good deeds? Did the late Kofi Sarpong a.k.a Thousand, not about twenty years ago donate sixteen to twenty bags of maize to Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School? How great he became in the eyes of the students for this act of philanthropy. How many of us could have
done that, as poor as he was? He deserves praise. If your Kumawuhemaa with her friends and family could show such concern for people, Kumawu may not be as dilapidated as it is now. Those who think Thousand was a licensed gambler who is not worthy of their praise are just being light-minded. Anyway, Thousand will be buried on 10th February 2011. I wish many will attend his burial/funeral to pay him their
last respect. He was the Pride of Kumawu, I reiterate. I am currently in Ghana and will surely be present at his funeral to bid him adieu.
Finally, I assure the Kumawuman citizens the world over that no matter how long it takes; the God's appointed One will rule Kumawuman. As God chose Saul and David, so has He chosen someone after his Heart from the Ananangya royal family. Do you still wait patiently for the Overlord of Asanteman to continue to play his dubious role of
God while people die from preventable diseases which a far-sighted Omanhene can help prevent?
Ignorance is bliss. In the Kumawuman chieftaincy case, no one can play ignorance. The royal history has been told. Everyone now knows who the true royals are. They are neither the Ankaases nor the Adomako Pims but rather the Ananangyas and the Odumases. The Adomako Pims should publish their side of the Kumawuman royal history and stop buzzing my ears with unnecessary demands to prove who they are in line with
Kumawu paramountcy.
Source: John Fosu
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