Our Former President, Dr. Flt.Lt. Jeremeiah John Rawlings recently embarked on a new profession as an Investigator extraordinaire cum Pathologist who took it upon himself to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of a young Ghanaian whose death on the Accra Tema motorway is still shrouded in mystery.
Who is Richard Nixon Yakah? Is he related to our former President? What right does Rawlings have to go to a morgue and demand to see a corpse he is not related to? Can any citizen walk to a morgue and demand to see any corpse? I do understand Mr Rawlings is not an ordinary citizen but as a former President, it is tawdry and macabre for him to engage in an anathema like this.
Why is he so much interested in this young man's demise? Why are people close to Rawlings continue to have mishap on Tema Motorway? Rawlings driver was involved in a one car accident without any witness and his spokesman, Kofi Adams, aka Dela Cofie too staged a one car accident that no one witnessed. These young men surrounding Rawlings have to be careful before they end up like Yaka Ruchard. There is something sinister going on here and Ghana Police better strap
on their boots and unravel this byzantine intrigue surrounding Rawlings and his sycophantic acolytes.
Who is this Richard Yakah? My little research revealed that, Richard Yakah has a violent past and served prison time in USA before he was deported to Ghana a couple of years ago."2 SISTERS STABBED; MAN CHARGED; SUSPECT IN GRANBY INCIDENT IS AN EX-BOYFRIEND OF ONE OF THE WOMEN, TROOPERS SAY.(Local) About 1 pages (318 words)
The Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), March 7th, 2005 Byline: Fred A. Mohr Staff writer
A domestic dispute led to the stabbing of two sisters Saturday night at their Granby apartment and assault charges against an ex-boyfriend, state police in Fulton said. Troopers were called to Parkview Place Apartments on Airport Road about 8 p.m. and found Lateesha M. Alexander, 21, and Tanisha C. Alexander, 19, of Building
3, Apartment 2, suffering from multiple stab wounds.
Richard N. Yakah, 22, a citizen of Ghana, was arrested at the apartment and charged with two felony counts of assault and one misdemeanor count of criminal possession of a weapon."Richard Yakah went on trial for these charges and was sentenced to five years
A Ghana, Africa, citizen who stabbed his Granby girlfriend and her sister multiple times with a box cutter during a March tirade was sentenced Thursday to five years in state prison. Richard N. Yakah, 23, pleaded guilty to slashing Lateesha M. Alexander, 21, who
originally met him over the Internet, and her sister Tanisha C. Alexander, 19, during a dispute in their Parkview Place apartment at 20 Airport Road in Granby.
"Considering the severity of the injuries, it's fortunate you didn't kill them," Oswego County Court Judge Walter Hafner Jr. told Yakah."According to the police report, a gun was found in the Toyota Highlander Mr Yaka was driving when he was shot. Initially I thought this might have been a suicide but digging deeper into the background of the individual involved has changed my mind. Mr Yaka was a popular individual at the University of Ghana, Legon campus and has a lot of Nigerian friends. A few hours before he was found dead on Tema
motorway, it was reported by some people who knew him to have engaged in a heated argument with some Nigerians at the Accra Mall.
A blogger posted this on gabberface;" Richard Yakah- Ghanaian boy had an argument with Nigerian friends at the Accra Mall,apparently trailed and shot on Motorway a night ago. sustained gun wounds and died at 37Military Hospital. Info is sketchy,more is yet to be confirmed.
9 days ago"Another blogger by name; Paa Kojo wrote; Paa Kojo"Another hero has fallen Richard Nixon Yakah R.I.P bro we'll continue with the
gun training when we meet again.... 9 days ago "Gun training? I don't want to come across as dancing on Mr Yaka's grave but something sinister was going on in this guy's life and Rawlings, a known
murderer who associate with people with dubious character is not helping the cause of Mr Yaka at all. Why is Rawlings so much interested in this guy's death?
I've seen the picture of Mr Yakah with almost the same complexion as Rawlings and there is a small resemblance between the two, is Rawlings related to this guy in anyway? A deported Ghanaian student from USA driving a Toyota Hylander as a student at Legon. Mr Yaka might have parents who are rich with connections in high places hence the involvement of obtuse, bellicose and chimeric Rawlings in this private case.
Source: Justice Sarpong Houston, Texas
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