If development is about the progress made or being made in any aspect or sphere, then the of the country and Ghanaians must know that development of the country is not about only constructing road, bridges, flyovers and buildings without maintaining them.
As the construction of these roads, flyovers and buildings
are important so are the maintenance to both the ordinary Ghanaian and the government of the day. Many constructions have been done since time immemorial up to date, can any government of this country proudly say that maintenance of these facilities are dear to their heart, and are among their priorities? The only thing Ghanaians get from their leaders and the various governments are only construction of other facilities, what about the old ones that have already been constructed. Maintenance of these facilities is important as far as
development of this country is concerned.
In this country every political party comes with its own agenda and priorities to do its own things, which are not bad since they
all have something good for the country. All these things are good but the fact of the matter is that why they can not continue developmental projects that other government or a past government started. When such a thing happens, the development of the country as far as constructions are concerned and development of the country will surely come to a halt. Looking at the number of roads, flyovers and drainage systems, who will say that police and security barriers have never been built for the security personnel of this country before? The only thing is that these facilities were not maintained for long
and so the facilities are getting destroyed by various actions and for various reasons
in this country.
If this country needs development then we need to stop the shunning act on the maintenance of developmental and constructing projects and also make sure that the various projects started by various past
governments and should be completed by the various currents or supplanted governments. A constructed road, bridges, flyovers and drainage systems in the country when maintained brings a lot of ease in movement. In terms of road construction and bridges and drainage systems that help avoid various diseases in the country and to prevent accidents.
Maintenance of such facilities in the country is the responsibility of both the ordinary Ghanaian and the government of the country. Ghanaians are not supposed to litter the various drainage systems
in the country and the government must also make sure that the various
constructions in this country must be guided and done appropriately so as to bring development. Constructing of facilities in this country must not be political. The right thing must be done at the right time with the right mindset.
The STX deal is right for this country because it will aid development but the chief question to be asked is that will those buildings be maintained? It is my fervent hope that the government will do its best to practice a better maintenance culture this time.
Source: Lamptey Alfred
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