The Asante/Ewe divide, whether it is a reality or mirage as some people continue to believe should be looked into, at least in this forum and an ambrosial solutions found on a heuristic approach.
Now that the jactations are over and we have had at least four days to mull over Daniel Pryce article about the schism between Asantes and Ewes, lets fletcherize about how to build a bridge to abridge the animosity between the two tribes.
Now that most people have got it off their chests by portraying themselves as Angels, can we brainstorm and find what we need to do to at least cut down on the tribal insults in the forum if we genuinely want a peaceful forum where intelligent discourse can take place without insults? We can all have excuses as to why we embark on the tribal insults but let's take the hogmanay offered to us by Daniel Pryce on his December 31st article and start the year 2011 on a
clean slate and clean the forum of the filth.
I have few pointers that can help reduce this habit almost everybody is tripping over each other by pontificating and proclaming their innocence and annointing themselves to sainthood status.
It will be convenient in an article of this nature not to name names but the truth might be told if this mission is to achieve its desired results.
If we really want to build a brige to the Ewe/Asante divide, it is incumbent on all Ewes and Asantes in this forum(SINCE THE ISSUE IS ABOUT ASANTES AND EWES) to be watchdogs on each other.
I will prefer the Ewes to be the moral police on Ewes and Asantes to be the moral police on Asantes. If you are an Asante and you see an Asante posting an insulting message against Ewes, advise him or her to stop and Ewes should also tell an Ewe if he or she sees an Ewe posting a hate comment that might elicit a response from an Asante.
Why am I asking the Asantes to police Asantes and Ewes to police Ewes? Because if somebody like Daniel Pryce tells an Ewe to stop his or her hateful comment, it will be more effective than an Asante like OYOKOBA telling an Ewe to stop insulting an Asante because it would be construed as an Asante man trying to muffle the voice of an Ewe. The same thing should be done by an Asante stopping an Asante person from starting any insult against an Ewe person.
We have to refrain from reading into other people posts by guessing what a comment means when it is not in the post, example, If I am criticising Rawlings for what he has done or said, one should not assume that I am criticising him because he is an Ewe man and I am Asante, and therefore my criticism is solely based on ethnocentrism, at the same token, Asantes also should refrain from accusing Ewes of ethnocentrism because they are critising Kuffour unless because
of what Kuffour did, the commentator takes it upon himself or herself to condemn Asantes as a whole.
We should be sensitive to the monikers we use in this forum. Some of the monikers in this forum do not foster a friendly atmosphere. Some of us with 'short fuses' respond to these monikers with biases even if the person has something intelligent to contribute because of the moniker the one is using.Example of some of these Monikers like TROKOSI EKORO KOLA, trokosi sheep fucker, sakawa Monkey Sarpong which was directed at me before I also adopted those names to counter Kola should be a thing of the past. In this regard, I offer an olive branch to KOLA that, I will discontinue using those monikers, regardless of what he intends to do.
Again, the fact that an Asante is supporting NPP or an Ewe supporting NDC does not mean these people are tribalists. I for instance will not vote for any Asante Presidential candidate on NDC ticket regardless of how marvelous his academic or political achiements are, but will vote for an Ewe Presidential candidate on NPP ticket with less stellar credentials than the Asante man on NDC.
My point is that, it is not because NDC is perceived to be an Ewe party that I don't like that party, the way that party came about, my conscience will not allow me to support it no matter what 'Angel' they put up as their Presidential candidate. With me, it's all about the Party and not the individual. You can disagree with me on this position without insults and I will accept it because it is what it is. I just don't believe in the NDC socialistic Philosophy not because the founder is an Ewe. To me, NDC is an illegal entity which came about through the blood money Rawlings seized from some hardworking Ghanaians.
Hijackers in this article is referring to those commentators who are usually the first to make comments on an article or news report and instead of commenting on the issue at hand, start their posts with tribal insults. Three commentators in this forum are notorious on this regard, NANA O, Terribly Specific and Kola, London Proper. If we really want to clean this forum of tribal insults, these three people have to be always reprimanded when they digress on the issue at hand and embark on tribal insults.
This forum is notorious of finding problems and after people have puffed and howled, nothing is done to alleviate or at least reduce the problem. Daniel Pryce's article recently was not the first time such an article has been discussed in the forum, many people have written on the same issue, even this might be the third Mr Pryce article on the same issue. Many people promised to turn a new leaf and stop their insults and tribal postings. I have been observing those who made a solemn promise to refrain from hatred posts and so far only Voodoo ziebieso seems to be holding his end of the bargain, well done, Voodoo.
Source: Sarpong, Justice
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