According to the NDC government, when you plan to do something, you have achieved it. All the students planning to enter University this year might as well be awarded their degrees if we go by the deceiving Mills-Mahama administration’s standard of achievements.
The NDC’s out-of-control government under President Mills – the hypocrite – has been so inept that in less than two years, it has frantically and shamelessly put out a number of so-called achievements in a dubious compilation called the green book, more than half of which are proven NPP initiatives and items merely being contemplated. Like only this deceiving NDC government knows how to do best, it is camouflaging its wanton ineptitude with a smokescreen designed to throw dust into the eyes of the good people of Ghana. Well, NPP-USA has been paying attention, and we are more than willing to remind Ghanaians the real accomplishments chalked by this “Team B” “Greedy Bastards” (President Rawlings’ own words)
Achievement 10 – Boldface Lying as an Art Form
Among the several hundreds of lies told by this administration is the president’s announcement last week that he personally secured a loan for a project even though that contract was signed in 2008 by the NPP? That is not surprising.
Professor John Evans Atta Mills during his campaign of 2008 lied to Ghanaians that he would be “Father-of-all,” but he has become essentially a father of only the NDC foot soldiers. He also promised to drastically reduce fuel prices, but as president, he has rather increased fuel prices on three occasions in two years. Furthermore, he opposed the purchase of a presidential jet, and the building of a new seat of government in the Jubilee House. But as president, Mills is unabashedly enjoying both executive facilities.
Moreover, led by Deputy Minister of “Misinformation,” Samuel Okudzeto-Ablakwa who publicly refuted news of a Mills cabinet reshuffling as a figment of someone’s imagination only for the ministerial changes to become a reality two days later, this deceiving NDC government has routinely fed lies and half-truths to unsuspecting Ghanaians. At the barest minimum their collective actions depict gross incompetence and an uncoordinated & leaderless administration.
Fifteen of the “achievements” claimed by the Mills-Mahama Lying Brigade were actually accomplished under the Kufuor administration. Ghanaians elect governments to solve their problems – not to restate and bemoan the problems and lie to them. Bottom line is that when an NDC member tells you to look up, do yourself a favor and look down because it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for an NDC member to tell the truth.
Achievement 9 – The Ever-shrinking NDC Party.
In Ghana and the rest of Africa, due to the prevalence of poverty and the disproportionately large control over the economy exercised by various governments it is common practice for many people to shamelessly defect from opposition parties to the ruling party so as to get bread crumbs dropped their way. Not so with the ruling out-of-control NDC party in Ghana.
So abysmal has been this inept government’s performance that for the first time in Ghana, mass defections have been registered on several occasions from the ruling NDC party to the opposition NPP party. Some very sensible people have figured it out that the bread crumbs are not worth associating with a bunch that has rendered Ghana directionless. To crown the dissociation syndrome, even Vice President John Mahama gets angry when people associate him with this government. In fact, he has publicly decried the Mill-Mahama description of the administration of which he is vice president. THIS INEPT NDC GOVERNMENT CANNOT RUN AWAY FROM THIS RECORD.
Achievement 8 – Mortgaging Ghana’s Future.
Ghana’s oil reserve is estimated at 1.8 billion barrels Jermaine-pls crosscheck I think the estimate is in the upwards of 3 billion)and scheduled to run out in 20 years at the current pace of production. Over that period, our share of 18.75% will bring in an estimated $10 billion after cost of production. In addition, the 35% tax on income from the partners will bring in an estimated $14 billion for a total expected income of $24 billion.
That is $1.2 billion a year. Yet the Mills-Mahama administration has committed $10 billion to the Koreans on the shady STX Deal, and is resolved to using the remaining expected revenue as collateral for additional loans. Due to the fact that oil & gas resources are depleted over time and are non renewable, responsible policy makers should be strategic and future oriented in decisions relation to extraction, revenue sharing & utilization.. Unfortunatelythis out-of-control NDC government is in a rush to collateralize our future oil revenue for consumption and it is indicative of how really myopic, reckless and visionless it is.
Achievement 7 – Destroying Ghana Football Association
Since this out-of-control Mills-Mahama administration assumed office, it has taken on an antagonistic approach to dealing with all issues including the management of football contrary to proven best practices. In 2005 under the NPP government, Ghana won the most improved team of the year award. The following year we reached the second round of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. In 2008, not only did the Black Stars place 3rd in the African Nations Cup tournament, our junior team won the FIFA World Cup in Germany. The Stars went on to beat all their opponents at the qualifying stage to become the first African team to quality for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, where they gained global acclaim by almost reaching the semi finals.
Today, after this inept NDC administration created chaotic conditions at the Ghana Football Association (GFA), and drove away the coach who almost took our Black Stars to the semi-finals at the World Cup, it is exacerbating the situation by sending soldiers to raid GFA offices. So bad has the situation become that FIFA has uncharacteristically threatened to institute sanctions on Ghana if the government does not stop interfering with GFA. As other soccer nations are planning for Brazil in 2014, Ghana under this out-of-control NDC government, is busy flexing muscles in an apparent attempt to put President Mills in charge of Ghana’s soccer
Achievement 6 – The “Ecomini” In Reverse Gear
Since the NPP took over power from the Rawlings NDC government in 2001, Ghana’s economy has grown steadily from abysmal levels to a globally acclaimed 8.4% in 2008 at which time a buoyant economy was handed over to the inept Mills-Mahama administration in January 2009. Since then, everything has regressed. The only highlight that the Mills-Mahama administration economic prowess is trumpeting is inflation. Ironically it is the regressive kind of inflation. The progressive kind of inflationary reduction is where demand grows, but that growth is out-paced by supply.
The Mills-Mahama version of inflationary reduction, on the other hand, has demand reduction out-pacing reduction in supply or economic output. And we know economic output has declined because from 8.4% growth in 2008, our economy grew by a paltry 3.7% in 2009. Inexplicably, the inept Mills-Mahama administration’s answer to the current economic stagnation is to raise taxes on Ghanaians already suffering from increased utility bills and high gasoline prices. In spite of this overwhelming evidence of economic regression, we wake up everyday to hear Deputy Minister of “misinformation” Samuel Okudzeto-Ablakwa boast of outstanding performance by President Mills. One day Mr. Okudzeto-Ablakwa will hopefully join the rest of us on THIS PLANET.
Achievement 5 – Clamps on Freedom Of Speech
First they killed people for expressing their opinion when they were radical soldiers during the PNDC era. Then when they were forced into a democratic form of governance, they enacted a Libel Law to discourage free speech. Of course NPP, a real party with respect for the rule of law came in 2001 and threw out that Libel Law to enable Ghanaians to freely express themselves. Ironically the NDC, who would not let others speak their minds, are then the very people who abused the new-found freedom of expression to spread lies and get elected back to power. Today they cannot re-enact that Libel Law, but are still actively discouraging free speech with a new tool known as “causing fear and panic.”
For example during a radio discussion, an NPP sympathizer Nana Darkwa referred to a newspaper publication that former president Rawlings may have set his own house of fire. Next thing the nation witnessed a gathering of NDC foot soldiers at the premises of that radio station ready to kill him. The police would later arrest him and the Attorney General would prosecute him for “causing fear and panic.” Another NPP sympathizer in a Kumasi radio discussion responding to an NDC panelist’s statement that the NPP presidential candidate looks like a frog, retorted that if looks were a qualification, then John Evans Atta Mills, who looks like a Chimpanzee, would not be our president.
Here again the NDC sent their hoodlums to the premises of that radio station to visit violence on him. Although later called off, a prosecution would be initiated on the NPP panelist. Two months ago, Ursula Owusu, an outspoken NPP member who has become a staple voice on radio and television was arrested and jailed for speeding even though she was being driven. If members of the NDC can spread lies with impunity, but NPP sympathizers are harassed when attempting to correct the record, clearly our fragile r democracy is under siege with calculated attempts to stifle freedom of expression.
Achievement 4 – Divisiveness as a Tactic
Ghana has never been so polarized. Hatred based on tribal differences has now so engulfed Ghanaians that merely staking a position on an issue quickly gets one branded as hailing from a particular tribe. That’s not all; several members of the security forces with Akan sounding names have been eliminated from the forces without any explanation. The civil service is being purged of Akans.
In fact, as an example of a hypocritical “father-of-all” president’s anti-Ashanti stance, his cabinet features 5.9% Ashantis although the tribe constitutes 17.3% of the population. In contrast, Voltarians who comprise 8.8% of the population have 17.9% of all ministerial appointments. Although former president Jerry John Rawlings is credited with starting this anti-Ashanti campaign, not even he presided over such a divisive era in our nation. Let us all be reminded that history tells us tribal persecution and discrimination can only lead to one destination, and no one will come out victorious. Everyone loses.
Achievement 3 – Ghana on Fire
These days, every time one turns around, one finds a building on fire. First it was the building housing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gutted down by fire. Next was the building housing the Electoral Commission. Then came the official ridge residence of the former first couple, the Rawlingses. Not long thereafter, part of the central market in Accra, Makola, burnt down to ashes.
These and many more national edifices have burnt down mysteriously in just two years of this out-of-control NDC administration. Never in our nation’s history has fire outbreaks been such a menace. While no one really knows the cause of these fires, there is no escaping the fact that they are occurring in rather mysterious fashion, and with alarming frequency. Whatever it is, this inept, out-of-control NDC administration under the weak, non-existent leadership of President Mills should figure out a way to put a stop to the menace.
Achievement 2 – Petrol Queues and Power Blackouts
In eight years between January 2001 and December 2009 when the NPP ran the affairs of our country, not once were Ghanaians subjected to the humiliation of queuing for gasoline to power their vehicles. In contrast, the inept, out-of-control NDC government under the weak, non-existent leadership of President Mills has, in two years subjected Ghanaians to at least three periods of long queues at the gasoline stations.
In a knee-jerk reaction to what he perceived to be wrong, the Minister of Energy who is known to succumb to emotions during his decision making process, abruptly stopped our crude oil supply without establishing an alternate supply line. The resulting inconsistency in crude oil supply caused the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) to frequently shut down. Ineptitude was again the culprit when routine maintenance of TOR equipments was skipped, also causing extended shut down. These instances of mismanagement were the reasons Ghanaians have had to queue for gasoline on several occasions in the last two years.
To date president Mills has increased fuel prices on three occasions in two years even though he promised to reduce them during the 2008 campaign. Like every instance of their broken promise and ineptitude, they blame the NPP. Due to their lying tendencies, the figure of the TOR debt they inherited has changed nine times. To compound their energy management shortcomings, power blackouts have returned with a vengeance. Ghanaians can no longer rely on consistent power supply as they did during the NPP era. Thus as we enter into oil production, we can only look to God to help us to manage our energy industry.
Former President Rawlings, in criticizing the Mills-Mahama administration, has said the extent to which corruption has become endemic in Ghana today is alarming. He said “Ghana is gradually becoming like Nigeria where corruption is institutionalized.” Indeed officials of this government succeeded in institutionalizing corruption from inception by baptizing themselves with corruption.
In 2008, The Kufuor administration ordered and paid for tractors meant to be distributed to farmers. When this corrupt NDC government assumed power, Ayariga and company distributed the tractors among themselves. Former Youth and Sports Minister Muntaka used his office budget for personal expenses such as diapers, and trips for his girlfriend. The official premix fuel price is at GHC2.48 per gallon, but fishermen in Central Region are paying GHC2.70 per gallon with the difference finding its way into an NDC account number D733. This account may be the source of Central Regional Minister Ama Benyiwaa-Doe’s funding for her two completed mansions in two years. They turned The Castle into a used car dealership with seized cars from our two ports as its inventory source.
The Ministry of Information has found it necessary to bribe journalist working for private media houses with brand new Hyundai sedans to influence their reporting on government activities. A Mills aid is known to pick up cash in bags to distribute to journalists on what they call an education program. Allegations of criminal wrongdoings were concocted and hurled at some oil companies specifically to get them into backroom dealings where brown envelopes were allegedly passed around.
Thereafter, all charges were dropped. Furthermore, Tsatsu Tsikata, the advisor to the president on energy matters allegedly received a $2 million kickback from Modec, the Japanese company who won the contract to build the supertanker that is producing the oil from the Jubilee Field. An additional $3 million was said to have been paid to him in December 2010 when first oil was drilled. He still continues to advise the president on energy matters.
Finally President Mills has repeatedly made public pronouncements on multiple instances where bribes have been offered to him, which he claims to have declined. After the first public pronouncements, would-be bribers would have thought twice about continuing to offer him bribes. Yet according to President Mills, there have been subsequent offers. This indicates that either he has been accepting the bribes all along while making public pronouncements as to how the offers offend him or these are pure fabrications.
The President can stop activities that continue to offend him by revealing the names of those who have violated Ghana’s laws at the highest level and have them prosecuted. It is no measure of the president’s well being if the endemic culture of corruption is constantly, by his own admission, at his doorstep and he has become well adjusted to it.Could it be that the president’s silence is an invitation for more offers of bribes, a source of additional revenue responsible for putting up the massive mansion on his family’s previously bare land?
Source: NPP-USA
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