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Some Metals That Don't Rust

"Rusting" is a word which is reserved for iron oxidizing, but the other metals will also form oxides. There are many di..
  • 95

Can Biofuel Replace Diesel?

An American company, U.S. Sustainable Energy Corp. (USSEC), has developed a patent-pending new biofuel manufacturing pro..
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Water Filtration And Purification

Most filters today are charcoal, or activated charcoal. Charcoal, which is mostly carbon, is the residue of partial burn..
  • 91

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work ?

To understand "reverse osmosis," it is probably best to start with normal osmosis. According to Merriam-Webster's Colleg..
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Gasoline: The Newest Biofuel?

What if we could speed up the process of making petroleum for use in our automobiles? Even better: what if we could just..
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How The Computer Processors Works

The function of a CPU is similar to that of a calculator, only much more complex and powerful. The CPU performs arithmet..
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Wheel And Axle

A wheel and axle is a lever that rotates in a circle around a center point or fulcrum. The larger wheel (or outside) rot..
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Water Of Crystallization

Water of crystallization (alt. Br.E. water of crystallisation) is water that occurs in crystals but is not covalently bo..
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Transistors And Their Uses

The invention of the transistor by American physicists John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley, later joi..
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A Sea Change In Ocean Drilling

In the early 1960s, geologists took their first shot at drilling all the way through Earth’s crust and into its mantle w..
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Difference Beetween The Sea And Ocean

Although the terms "ocean" and "sea" are often used interchangeably, a sea is generally considered to be smaller than an..
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Divergence Of Humans From Chimpanzees

It is an established fact that 98 percent of the DNA, or the code of life, is exactly the same between humans and chimpa..
  • 96
Showing 61 to 72

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