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Human Mucus

Both phlegm and snot, or nasal mucus to use its more polite medical term, are names given to mucus produced in the respi..
  • 101

What Produces Phlegm?

Phlegm is the thick, sticky mucus that drips down the back of your throat when you have a cold, allergies or asthma. Phl..
  • 94

The Memory Side Of The Brain

The capacity to bring elements of an experience from one moment in time to another is the unique property of life forms...
  • 97

The Brain’s Response to Threat

The prime ‘directive’ of the human brain is to promote survival and procreation. Therefore, the brain is ‘over-determine..
  • 92

How Fishes Breathe Underwater

In many ways, the interior of the fish resembles that of many other animals. The digestive, circulatory, and nervous sys..
  • 103

How Sand Is Formed

When solid rock is exposed to the wind, rain and frost, it gets broken up into small particles. If the particles are sm..
  • 79

Why Humans Can't Breath Underwater

One thing about chemicals is that, once they react in certain ways, they form compounds that are nothing like the origin..
  • 98

How Your Lung Works

You breathe in and out anywhere from 15 to 25 times per minute without even thinking about it. When you exercise, your b..
  • 94


The beautiful colored seahorses belong to the most magnificent and most remarkable organisms of the seas. Actually a sea..
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The Life Of Newton

Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727), mathematician and physicist, one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time. Born ..
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A Bit About Einstein

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich,..
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Living Cell Theory

Hints at the idea that the cell is the basic component of living organisms emerged well before 1838-39, which was when t..
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Showing 85 to 96

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